About Us
Bonga.Org Cycling Academy is a social development program that provides sport (cycling) and recreational activities to children.
Our Academy offers a safe place to play and grow, establishing values of accountability and responsibility, teaching goal setting and instilling in children the ability to dream and achieve their goals.

Get Involved
You can help us give youth from historically disadvantaged communities in South Africa the skills and opportunities they need to make a meaningful life for themselves and their families.
Take A Tour!
All of our tours have been very well received, with many of them making referrals to friends and family, all of which helps us to reach as many young people as possible.
Our tours are full day and half day tours that are specifically planned to give an experience not to be forgotten.

Our Memories
Our Sponsors and Supporters
Through support and partnership we can make a difference.

Contact Us
0 71 649 6116
Visit US
Bonga.org Cycling Academy
South Africa,
20 Bonakude Cres,
Cape Town,
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Copyright © 2019 Bonga.org Cyling Academy | All Rights Reserved
We are a Non-profit organisation